PIFA Transe Express

WOWZA.  Tonight was going to be the end of the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts and was going to end with a huge performance from Transe Express that required this huge crane: Mama thought about it for about two seconds, and it was decided that I would stay home and guard the house.  While…


A Man and His Bones

Hm… wait… vague memories… yes, coming back to me now… BONES!!!  Must be for me… too big for cats, too carnivorous for the mama-vegetarian. Beef Marrow Bone.  Now we’re talkin’. Oh sweet marrow bone, how I have longed for you for so very long.  The mama-vegetarian is really quite bad at this buying meat thing,…


Lake Tai Rock

Woo-hoo!  It’s STILL summer!  For more than a day!  It’s CRAZY… Time to head down to the waterfront with all of the other hot and steamy folks here in Portland who aren’t yet used to the heat. I thought I might like to jump in until I remembered that the Willamette is deep and dirty. …


Hangin’ with Dr. Dre

Look who’s here!  It’s my buddy Dr. Dre!!! My Choodle/Poohuahua mix pal.  Check out his sweet mohawk! I had to let him know that I get to eat first – especially the cat food, which we both enjoy far more than the dog food they try to feed us. Yup.  He waits like a champ.…


Fun With Goats

What is one to do when you have a pocket full of carrots and kohlrabi that just isn’t going to make it into tomorrow’s stew or salad?  Why, you feed it to your local nubian goats, of course! After giving them my special “goat call”, they slowly came outside. Today two were brave, two less…


Winter Wondaireland

Gotta love the SNOW SNOUT!!! The only way to get one is to go in, go deep, and dig in with all you’ve got!!! Use all of your resources… (i.e., front yard AND back yard) Instinct takes over… nose down, going to ground… Paws optional – mostly for style and flair… Full schnoz!!! And the…
