Sunday in the NW with Cones

Before the rains come again, I convinced mama to take a long walkie today, even though she was less than entirely enthusiastic when we started. This way mama!  THERE ARE CONES Oh yeah.  Tons of perfect packages of pine-cone-y goodness.  The better to fit larger amounts into my mouth! It was during this brief rest…


Mama-Son Day

In anticipation of Mother’s Day, mama and I decided to have a “Mother-Sun” Day – on Saturday.  The weather was going to be cooperative (first day without the threat of rain in awhile!), so she rented a car for the whole entire day (instead of a few hours like usual) and we set off to…


Outdoor Aire-t

You all know what an aficionado I am of outdoor art… I see it and I have to investigate.  This pink concrete chair is just outside the building we live in, I see it all the time, but it has only recently become Pepto Bismol pink.  I must check this out. Hm.  What do I…


In the Sticks

You never know what you’re going to find on the morning walkie… You just have to do like I do – snout to the ground, in fine terrier fashion. This stick seems worthy of me… I believe I will take it home (or at least on the majority of the walkie home).  Here’s how to…



Overcast days make me want to CUDDLE.  I don’t care if I get bed-head, you know, where your fuzz goes all crazy because you’ve been lying on your back with your legs up in the air.  I am in the mood for a good, long cuddle. Oh, but who will cuddle with me? When mama…


Woop Woop

Laurelhurst Park… I know that we come here often, but I need to tell you how much I love you.  We actually walk for almost 2 hours each time just to get here, and then another 2 hours before we are home.  I really, really love coming here. Worth the walk if you ask me.…


Missing AND Action

Days without updates… it just ain’t right.  It’s not that I’m not sensitive to mama’s many moods, but I do feel that so many days shouldn’t go by without even a photo of my cuteness.  I could say that we’ve been working hard… But the truth is a little different. I’ve been working hard on…
