Today we got new chairs. They’re old, but they’re pretty cool. I anticipated that Kafka would spend more time on them than I would, but didn’t realize that he was already plotting world domination with his laser eyes from one of them. Note the worried look on my face. I am concerned. Love, Bogart
New, Tasty Rugs
Earlier this week, we had a poop problem. For unclear reasons, I was experiencing a prolific poop explosion and the kitties followed suit. Mama said it was unpleasant, but really, who was it most unpleasant for? Her (who only had to clean it up), the kitties (who did their business in the tub), or me,…
Willie Comes Home
Who Wants Whipped Cream?
Tubby Tabby Time!
At Chez Bogart, we love us some tubby tabbies. I have three – Kafka, the short-haired orange tiger, Willie, the long-haired ginger lion, and Aeon, the brown and white taberina. While we may say they’re fat – or big boned, or fluffy, or whatever – they basically don’t care about what we think. That’s fine. …
Year of the Tiger… Cat
Kafka is particularly excited about today beginning the Year of the Tiger… you can just FEEL the excitement… It is the Year of the Tiger Cat – Belly Tiger Cats are the tubbiest sign on the zodiac, methodical in their purrsuit of food (especially from other cats’ plates), intelligent deep inside that they choose to…