Spring’s First Hairecut

I’m feelin’ spry, far less wild and wooly than only a day ago.  Had my first haire-pulling of the year.  We do it in bits, to maintain my rugged individualist look as well as not piss me off too much by doing too much pulling for too long.  Today we got two heads worth!  (Mama…


Feeling Power-less

This does not compute.  I come to my very favorite store, Just Dogs Gourmet, and the lights are out and the door is closed to my nose-pushing.  What does it mean? Store Closed due to power outage.  Still doesn’t compute for me.  Who needs power – I WANT COOKIES They do, of course, have another…


Love, Denmark Style

Today a package arrived at my door.  It smelled good.  Mama said that it came from Denmark, and I didn’t know much about Denmark.  So we sat down to open it, and lookie what was inside: Mama started to look at the book but damnit I smelled something delicious – put down the book mama,…


Me and Jack

It pays to look up and around when you’re doing a little Sunday tour of the city.  Sometimes you don’t see anything interesting, and sometimes… This is my new pal Jack.  He’s an even bigger Airedale than me. We did some serious sniffing, checking each other out, you know, just to be sure that we…


Party at Chez Bogart

Saturday nights at my place are always a blast – me and mama have to come up with ways to amuse ourselves, and you know that means trouble. There’s singing… (she calls it howling along with passing ambulances, I call it singing damnit). And of course, EATING… I raided that crockpot for every last drop…


The Wild Cones of Philly

Holy crap. I didn’t think I was going to see these ever again.  Portland was full of them, even Los Angeles had it’s fair share, but so far here in Philadelphia my cone intake has been almost nil.  Mama didn’t see ’em, BUT I DID. Ah, the familiar crunch of the cone – that forest-y…


Me and My Shadow

There is something ominous in the streets of Philadelphia… all you have to do is look up – yep, it’s a trash bag in a tree. And that’s not the only thing that is worth looking up for – look!  It’s MY SHADOW It’s been awhile since it was lovely enough outside to catch me…


Black (and Tan) Friday

Oh, you silly humans.  Today you are all at the malls, in the stores, shopping your hearts out.  And I get to explore the city with a lot more room. I can play games, run, frolic, and chase anything that moves – without being on a short leash or tripping over slow-moving humans.  Woo-hoo! I…
