Excessive Heat Warning

That’s how the diplomatic Weather Channel described today.  I’d just say that it’s freakin’ hot, again.  Too freakin’ hot.  Way hotter than it should be.  Heat and humidity.  It makes me not even want to take my normal walkies.  Not a happy camper. But wait, what is this? Each day mama and I go to…



Mama has a few days off from that “work” thing she goes to on a regular basis – happiness for me because now rather than the paltry 2 1-hour walks per day I am in a position to demand at least 3. Really, could you resist this face? Yeah, we have been saddling up for…


Walking with Ben

Ben Franklin, that is.  We’re going to go see his “house”. But first I’ve gotta let everyone know that I’ve been here – sign the guestbook, as it were. Very cool indeed.  Large metal structures that show where Ben’s house was – without the pesky upkeep.  Lots of history here, Ben was quite a guy.…


Shadow Dancin’

Damn.  Mama’s trying to capture my shadow again. I have other ideas.  There is something irresistible here, for example. Not sure… Mmmaybe… Success! Alright, alright.  Try to capture the goodness of my shadow while I inspect this fire hydrant. Finally, one good one.  Now will you stop taking pictures and get down to the business…


C is for Cookie

Everyone enjoys a snack.  These birds and pigeons are partaking of a large loaf (kind of lazy way to feed the pigeons, my human friends, just hurling a loaf of bread into a park).  And they were indeed enjoying it until I came along. Not very tasty.  But I know where to find something better.…


Stop the Pigeon…

In walking around Old City tonight, mama and I stumbled onto this scene: We walk past here all of the time, and it’s usually an empty lot.  The chair caught mama’s attention, but the pigeons caught mine. Ah, it’s art. You could have fooled me.  I was pretty intent on getting at some of those…


Happy Mama’s Day

Are you as happy to have your mama as I am happy to have mine? Yes, sometimes she makes me crazy, and we don’t go on nearly enough walkies for my taste, but SHE’S MINE, and I love her.  And we make a DAMN FINE TEAM. Love to all the mama’s out there – whether…
