Everybody Loves a Parade

Yes, it’s another hot day in the City of Roses.  High eighties.  Hot days are best spent in the park if you ask me.  And mama ALWAYS asks me. She thinks she can outrun me – I always have to remind her about my 4-wheel drive as opposed to her puny 2-wheel drive.  And I…


Great Expectations

I’ve got the SPRING FEVER – today is a lovely day and there is something special in the air everywhere because all of the humans are talking about the warm, sunny weekend that they’re expecting. And when I’m feeling the fever, I cannot control myself.  On a regular day, a mouthful of stick would do.…


Afternoon Delight

A sunny afternoon… and mama comes home to take me out for a mid-day walkie.  The Park Blocks are perfect for this, close to our place yet full of grass and goodness. I’m getting better at not crossing the street without mama.  She always wants me to stop and look both ways, but sometimes I…
