Autumn Has Broken

The season is upon us, friends, of collecting both sticks and tennis balls in the mouth at the same time.  A cornucopia of delicious goods, carried with pride and guarded with terrier ‘tude.  Get outside and enjoy some for yourself.  Drag your humans along, THEY NEED THE EXERCISE. Love, Bogart


Leaving My Mark

Twas a wee bit frosty out this morning, the first I have encountered here in Pittsburgh.  Yes, winter is coming and I am preparing by ignoring mama as she starts to pull my sweatshirts, coats, and the dreaded booties out of storage. During the morning’s stick-catching frolics, I laid down for a moment to catch…


November in Pittsburgh

Have I mentioned that not only did we move to Pittsburgh but that I live RIGHT NEXT TO A MASSIVE PARK FULL OF STICKS, BUNNIES, AND DEER?  No?  Well it’s true. I’m sadly not allowed to chase ’em – the creatures and critters – I know it’s for my own good.  So I shall comfort…


Best in the World

Yep.  That’s me.  And that’s my newest park treasure.  The incredibly annoying part is that I cannot bite a basketball.  I try, and I try, and I try, but still it resists the sweet bursting that a soccer ball so readily submits to.  Very satisfying.  But a basketball is just too big to get my…


Learning your B’s and D’s

Out of nowhere in my latest favorite park, these giant letters appeared one foggy morning. Actually almost all of the letters of the alphabet appeared – giant, brightly-painted wooden letters. I am nothing if not inquisitive. But I draw the line at putting my head through so you can take a funny picture. It just…


Meeting Mister Mole

… well ALMOST meeting Mister Mole.  I TRIED.  After taking off in hot pursuit of my very first mole, I managed to get my snout stuck in a bunch ‘o burrs.  I will spare you the photo of me with my eyes burr-d shut, and my snout burr-d together.  This is what it looked like…


Stay Stick-y, My Friends

Sticks are life. And life is all about sticks. I’m busy livin’, which is why I haven’t been doing much updatin’. That’s going to change. Gonna get mama to do more regular posting for my friends all over the world. But in the meantime… There are sticks. Lots of ’em. With our current weather here…


I Feel Good… YEAH

ATTENTION RITTENHOUSE SQUARE PARK VISITORS (and everyone else within a 2-block radius): I’m feeling GOOD! Not letting a little thing like major surgery get me down, I’m having more “up” days than “down” ones, and damnit, a boy needs his walkies. Hey, Rittenhouse, HAVE YA MISSED ME? (I missed you) Love, Bogart
