Willie Comes Home

It’s been a tough week around here after losing Willie.  My long-haired orange tabby pal was not just big in stature, but also big in presence.  All of our other kitties seem a little “off” and have basically been grumpy and needy all week.  I too miss him a lot, even though he didn’t like…


Don’t Forget the…

I have to go to the vet today.  Mama told me that if we remember to keep the morning’s “production”, then I can avoid having a stick up my butt at the vet’s.  I’m all for that, so I convinced mama to do whatever is necessary to remember. This is mama’s daily list of things…


You Know It’s Cold Outside…

When even the mighty Airedale WANTS to wear his sweatshirt. When posing for majestic photos, even a large, juicy stick cannot contain one’s attention. When the penguin statues begin to appear. That’s right, I said PENGUIN STATUES And when it gets so cold that photos of my adorable butt look like paintings.  Welcome (finally) winter!…


RIP Sweet Willie

Tonight my kitty brother Willie passed away.  He was here in our apartment, purring and whipping around that extra-furry tail of his, and then we think he had a massive heart attack.  Mama did her very best to hold him and pet him, but in almost an instant, he left us. Willie joined our furry…


Did Someone Say Strudel?

OH YES Many of you had been wondering after my last romp through the Christmas Village if I indeed got any of that yummy strudel.  THE ANSWER IS YES  But I’m not very good at waiting for it, you see.  Patience is not a virtue in my book.  When in doubt, GO ALL IN I…


Here We Go a Strudel-ing

The Christmas Village has moved from City Hall over to Love Park – and we almost missed it! There’s a big Xmas tree, the giant macaroni-and-cheese noodle, and lots of German specialties.  The tree kind of freaked me out. To get into the proper spirit I tried to yodel – which I could tell was…


Bogart’s Golden Hour

Ah, the Golden Hour approaches, and we are going to be in the right place at the right time for some superb Dale photography…  This is the new Race St. Pier here in Philadelphia.  What was once a crappy old pier is now an urban park with super-cool vistas. So come along with me –…
