Geez. The humans were so upset about a storm that was supposed to dump feet of snow here in Philadelphia – um, no. The winds, did however bring down a LOT of tasty sticks. For which I am grateful. GIMME GIMME GIMME Stick after stick after stick, getting in my jumping practice as well as…
Snow Beard
Mac and Cheesy
Bogart vs. Psy – GANGNAM STYLE
The Collector
The Bestest Machine in the World
Autumn is AWESOME
 This is probably my favorite season. Autumn is awesome all around – it’s cooler, none of that crappy humidity, and LEAVES Oh, and sticks too. Lots and lots of tasty sticks. Everywhere the eye can see. All over the park. Especially the big, manly ones. Oh mama, don’t think you can try any funny business. …