Bogie Loves Behemoth

Remember that I was telling you that I have to share my house with 4 cats? Well, I want to introduce you to my very favorite new feline buddy – Behemoth. Behemoth isn’t very big, in fact he is smaller than I was when I first showed up here in Los Angeles. He was a…


The Fire Hydrant and Me

Today it’s raining here again – well not exactly raining (I really hate the rain so far) but kind of spitting from the sky and it’s really dark. Mom woke up and had to actually wake me up to go out for a walk. That never happens, I’m always up first, scoring a good place…


Tackling the Stairs

Up until now, my back legs haven’t exactly been performing as well as I’d like. Whenever I’d encounter any stairs, steps, curbs, and the like I’d simply whine and mom would pick me up and place me on the higher ground. I’ve been really determined to climb both up and down these obstacles. But I’ve…


Introducing: Kafka

I share my new home with 4 cats – and let me tell you, it’s quite an experience. Cats and dogs are soooooo different, they just don’t want to play with me! They get upset when I run right into their faces, it’s so weird. Mom explained that the cats have been here the longest…


Important Petition – The PETS Act

This is a really important petition for everyone to sign… Tell Congress – while they might be actually thinking about coming up with plans for dealing with natural disasters – to not forget about including provisions for not abandoning pets in disasters!!! The PETS Act will require federal evacuation plans to protect pets, and it’s…


Feeling Lazy…

Today I’m just soooooooo lazy…. I decided to sleep all day, but mom keeps dragging me outside. I keep trying to tell her that I JUST DON’T HAVE TO POOP but she keeps insisting. Not that I’m a big fan of pooping inside, I’m actually almost housetrained, but wouldn’t it be easier to just leave…


My Day with Boxers

So I’m quickly discovering that I really, really hate rain. Maybe I’m not used to it yet (like dad said this morning – but he was covered in a bright yellow rain suit with a big black rain hat, so what does he know?) but it’s just sooooo cold! And the drops seem so big……


Raining Today

Wow, this is my very first thunderstorm – it’s all dark and wet outside. Mom let me run out quickly to do my business this morning but she didn’t want to come with me… that was odd. So I’m stuck inside for most of the day with mom at her office… this is my in…


Going to the vet

I was at the vet today to get a checkup. Mom told me we were going, okay no big deal, so we got strapped into the car and we went. There were so many other doggies and kitties there it was crazy! But all of them were making noise, trying to run away, being mean…
