Rittenhouse Square park.  One of my regular parks full of people, dogs, and good smells.  Today I have come to poop.

Well, thank you.  I also think that all will be well as I had turkey soup last night which really “agrees” with my constitution.

What is that that you are hiding behind your back mama?

I’m gonna get it…

Ok, fine.  Be that way.  I didn’t want it anyway.

Are you sure you didn’t want to give it to me?


Gimme that.

(just a photo for anyone who thinks that trying to photograph an excited Airedale who is trying to chomp the pine cone in your hand while you hold the camera with the other and oh yeah you have gloves on because it’s still frickin’ cold outside is easy)

Yes, I would like that fine cone mama.  Have I told you how much I love you yet today?

No?  Then let me show you…

I will even jump majestically for your silly photos.  If that isn’t love, then what is?




4 thoughts on “The Rittenhouse Pine Cone Blues”

  1. Bogie, you are such a charmer, you sure do know how to get your mama’s heart (and that coveted cone she was hiding from you … heheee). We loved these pics, they are so full of spring, and sun, and cheer. Everything is going to be allright, we now know that.

    Bel (and ma Nata)

  2. Bogie,

    I didn’t think there were pine cones in Philly! What a find! We were going to send you pine cones for Christmas, but mama was so tied up with her cancer treatments, we forgot. Sorry Bogie. Now mama only has one more treatment to go and she will be free!!! You are still the most handsome dale in the world!


  3. S&S – please give your mama a BIG GIGANTIC AIRE KISS from me and my mama! We’re so happy to hear that this will be her last treatment!!!!!

    Lots and lots of love to you all,

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