Preparations are well under-way for the Portland Rose Festival coming up next week:


It looks like it’s going to have all sorts of rides, events, and things for the humans to make themselves sick on.


I am not much for these sorts of things, they’re usually really crowded and have lots of little children screaming.


I understand the appeal of the shiny, light-up things, but not of being thrown around and around right after eating greasy carnival food.


And of course, dogs don’t like to fly (unless it’s straight up in the air after a tasty pine cone, or I hear that frisbees also can induce some canine aire-time)…


One of these days we have to walk over the Steel Bridge – it’s the coolest looking one here, but it’s never been open for walkers whenever we’ve wanted to walk across.  It’s raining today, so maybe next weekend…


Your intrepid Rose Festival report – completed.  More to come when it’s actually in full swing!





2 thoughts on “Rose-y Nose-y”

  1. Bogawt
    I’m wif you , and ackshually, so is Mommi
    It’s not vewy appealing to be in those cwowds..I pwefew to eat my foods wifout thwowing up, hehehehe
    It does look like a nice festival fow some hoomans who ike that sowt of thing
    stick to those gweat walks and stickies and pine conies
    smoochie kisses

  2. Bogie,
    LOVE your last picture! Guess how many smooches would I love to plant onto that kissable face and especially NOSE of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bel’s mama Nata
    and Himself (Bel, that is), totally disgusted with his mama’s behavior … 😆

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