This morning mama and I suited up early for our first walkie of the day… and for 1.5 hours did not see one person. A few cars, but no people. Very surreal. I suppose that means that most people are at home with the ones they love, opening presents and celebrating Christmas.
I’ve got mama and she’s got me – we are each others’ presents. It has been a really hard year for us, and holidays don’t seem like a time for us to celebrate this time around. So we just spend lots and lots of time together, and there is nowhere I’d rather be, and no one who I’d rather walk with than my mama (and that’s saying a lot – I am a very demanding walker).
Happy Holidays to everyone – from both of us…
Bogart & Lulu
You and your mama are so special, Bogie! No matter how corny this sounds, but we all (misself, Bel-Bel, and my ma Nata and pa Greg, and my big brother Andy at the Rainbow) LOVE you, and think of you every day and with such warmth, even though we never met you in person. And guess what? The first thing my ma checked out this Xmas morning was not the gifts, but your bloggie. Just to make sure that the two of you are all right.
Holding you in our hearts, this Xmas, and always.
Luv, and the smoochiest AireSmooches from
Bel, and his ma and pa (forever grateful to you, Bogie, and your mama Lulu, and your Dad’s Loving Spirit for giving my mamsie hope and the gift of feeling alive again after loosing our Andy The Airedale boy)
Merry Xmas
and a happy new year
Susi, Ina, Jule and Micha
Dear Bogart and Lulu,
We have been following your blog and want you to know how much you have impacted our lives. We know that this is a difficult time for both of you (and the cats), but know that there are dogs and people that are holding you close to their hearts.
Blessings in the New Year,
Moses and Zipporah, the BTs and Peter and Sherri, their humans
Happy Holidays to both of you, and our wishes for a better year in 2010
We are so glad you two have each other. We follow your blog, and have for quite a while, so we almost feel like you are real neighbors. We wish you more walks and more bagels and more pine cones and more sticks, and we wish your mama a little more glue for her hurtie heart. And lots of doggie kisses from you.
Thinking of you and your Mama at Chrismouse. And sending you love and purrs.
You guys are plainly attached at the hip–
Bogart, you’ve got the biggest ‘dale nose we’ve ever seen! You’re mom’s is prettier, but yours is an award-winner!
Have a great holiday–and a wondrous New Year! We promise–this one’ll be a lot better than the last.
Your blog is an inspiration–we love it!
Buster, Sephie & Bailey
Dear Lulu and Bogart,
We wish comfort and joy to you both this holiday, and we hope the New Year brings lots of love and happiness.
‘Kaika and his mom