Well, almost!  Stella and Stanley‘s mama Lisa is here in Portland for a visit!  AND SHE BROUGHT GIFTS…


She and mama hit it off like a house on fire.  I’ve been excited since the moment I laid eyes (and paws) on her.


But back to more important things, MY NEW TOYS.  In addition to the Chuck-a-Duck, I also have a spanking new stuffed vulture that makes a VERY satisfying sound when chomped.


I know that the photos aren’t my finest work, but mama’s camera is ill-equipped to take photos in low light.  So low light and constant-action shots look like this:


We’re both looking forward to more fun and frivolity as she’s here for a few days.  Woo-hoo!

And a little note for Stella and Stanley – I have received the beginnings of the famous atomic booty scratch and it’s AWESOME




3 thoughts on “Gooberstan in Portland”

  1. Oh, Bogie, I am genuinely thrilled that you got all those cool toys and a booty scratch (Yummmmmmmmm …), and that your mama’s got herself a new friend. There can never be too many friends, right? And too many toys … he he he.

    Big hugs and silly wags,

  2. Wooooooo
    Isn’t she the gweatest!!!
    I too can vouch fow hew atomic booty scwatches..I’m so glad you awe thewe to helf hew wif hew goobew wifdwawal

    I just knew she and youw Mama would have a blast
    smoochie kisses

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