Wow, I think I have my first crush…

There’s a cutie out there named Emmi Lou – she wrote me a nice little note about how handsome I was (which I always LOVE) – and it makes my heart go thumpety-thump.

She’s got a great blog too… read her here!

Here’s lookin’ and winkin’ at you kiddo!



One thought on “Hubba Hubba”

  1. oh bogart! you are so sweet! and yes you are very handsome!!

    i think i read on your blog that your mommy likes to knit? i have a friend named minou (she’s a chihuahua) whose mommy knits too!

    my mommy WANTS to knit, but heard it was really hard to do! she’s seriously considering it. got any tips?

    make sure to check out my blog later… i did something BAAAD and i’m going to post a picture of it sometime today…

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