Present from Putter

Ah, the Aire-doration continues!

Present from Putter

Present from Putter

Lillie Valentine is a love-l-y girl Dale with a very talented mom! A package arrived for me – I’m getting kind of used to this now, and I LOVE IT – which I grabbed out of mom’s hand and immediately ripped open. Smells like girl Dale, gimme gimme gimme!!!

Present from Putter

This is so cool – it’s a book that mom can use to put lots of photos of ME in it (it does say AWESOME ANIMAL on the front, so who else would she wanna feature?) – and it’s made out of paper bags and LOTS of cool stuff! Mom was in awe when she saw it, in awe of the creativitiy and craftsiness that went into making it.

Present from Putter


This made my day – it’s been sooooo hot here in Los Angeles (even hotter than usual as we’re in the midst of a nasty heat wave that’s causing fires, trees dying, and cranky humans all around) and even my daily walkies haven’t made me a happy camper. It’s too hot to go anywhere with the humans because the concrete and asphalt that they walk so carefree across burns my toesies. I do the Mexican Jumping Bean dance at least once daily as I go for my peepee time.

Hot Stick

But today I really wanted to go out for a little stick time, so we braved the hot asphalt and ran all the way to the park. Once on the dusty dirt my paws were happy and I could run a little bit. Dad threw the sticks far and I’d chase ’em all right, but at a slightly slower pace and with less gusto in the crashing-into-the-stick method of braking when I arrive at the thrown stick. Just adjusting my technique a little.

Hot Stick

Hot Stick

A few action shots…

Hot Stick

And then it was time for a little rest and some major panting.

Hot Stick

Thanks again Miss Lillie for the lovely birthday present, I love you even more than I love this stick (and just look how dirty my tongue is – that’s the universal sign of love, isn’t it?)




One thought on “Present from Lillie”

  1. Hey Bogart,
    That’s a cool stickie you are playing with. Too bad it’s so hot at your place. It’s about 88 here today & way too hot for us. Papa walked Snickers very early & they still got very hot. So Mama sad no walkie down the road for me Butchy. I’d rather walk in the nice shaded acreage anyways, those gravel rocks are no fun to walk on. Hope you have a nice Labor Day!! Oh and very cool prezzie from Miss Lillie. She is such a sweetie!
    Luv & Wirey Hugs!
    Butchy & Snickers

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