I’m soooooooo happy, my dad came home and we picked him up at the aireport!!!
I’ve missed him SO MUCH – yes mom and I did some major mama/son bonding while he was away – but there is nothing like having your dad back home on Father’s Day!!!
On our morning walkie (the first one in AGES with both mom and dad!) we saw the coolest things… there were 3 hawks just sitting in the tree only a few feet away from us. Dad got really close as they were just watching us…
We both had to answer the call of nature while mom rolled her eyes…
Boys will be boys!
So as a special treat dad went out and bought me my very own beef heart – mmm. Mom can’t even cut one up for me, so here’s another reason that I’m happy dad is home!
Kafka (my orange tabby) agrees with the choice of organ-snack.
Welcome back dad – I’m looking forward to our long walks together and manly adventures!
is ur dad coming back 2 celebrate d father’s day wit u??
n i luv ur raw meal….
Hi Bogart, Glad to see you’ve got your dad back!
Bogart, I’m so happy for you, how terrific to get your daddy back, and on father’s day especially! Seeing those hawks must have been bootiful, but a little scawy, of course you’re such a big bwave boy, that pwobably doesnt phase you..I’ve never had beef heart, but it looks delicious..have lots of fun with your Dad.
smoochie kisses