Well, well, well… you just NEVER KNOW what you’re going to see when you’re out on a walkie…

Still hot.

But what is this?

OH HELL YEAH, the troughs that hold water for the horses that cart around tourists also have a handy-dandy fountain for dogs.  Absolutely brilliant.  I’m liking this city more and more.

You get to look around at lots of charming old buildings and things, AND there is a water trough.





2 thoughts on “So Very Civilized”

  1. We do like your city more and more, too, Bogie. Next time we wants to see piccies of you and the horse, Yipppeeeee!!! Dat will be cool.

    Bel (me sees dem horsies thingies on my walkies … humphhh … nothing special, just an oversized doggie with a funny looking tail …)

  2. Bogawt
    That’s what is gweat about living in a city.
    Always omething wondewful and clevew to see and then you find a tewwific cooling dwink
    Pawfect’smoochie kisses

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