I have found a fantastic new place, that smells right and tastes right.  And it’s not too far away, so I foresee many visits in the future (even if I have to drag mama that way).

Just Dogs Gourmet has a very cute store, lots of fun toys, treats everywhere…

Come on – lets go inside!

Oh yes.  I’ll have one of those, and one of those, and a few of those…

Oh wait, I didn’t see these on the bottom shelf, yeah I’ll have a few of those too…

Got anything cool back here?

Wrap ’em up – I’ll take ’em!  What a fantastic doggie bakery, they have all of the ingredients listed for their goodies, and they look GREAT!  Can’t wait to chomp a few.

Dogs playing poker in their front window = FANTASTIC

The first – and most favoritest of all – is of course, THE SQUIRREL.  I never get to catch and eat these crafty little critters in the wild, so today I shall indulge in it’s carob-y cousin.





7 thoughts on “Just Dogs Gourmet”

  1. Oh My DoGness, Bogie, me is having heart palputations ………………. :mrgreen:

    Bel (slurp, slurp, droooooooolllllllll …)

  2. Wow Bogey….We are soooo jealous! What a yummy shop. We could almost smell the tempting goodies. I (Sasha) would have drooled all over the glass cases that held all those sweet sensations. Then, I would have jumped up on Mama and begged for them all! You were such a patient gentleman. Loved the poker dogs.

    I (Savannah) would have loved to sit quietly and dine on a few of the treats while sitting across from you, Bogart, and admiring your handsome Aire-ness. I am batting my eyelashes at you as we speak. Sasha has no class….I on the other hand am a lady.

    Your Aire-girls,

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