Tabby vs Terrier

I am not at all ashamed to say that I am not brave enough to take on this tabby.  You should have seen the ferocity in his eyes, he only caught my attention because he started spitting at me as I walked past.  I stopped to see what was spitting at me, and it was…


Sunday in the NW with Cones

Before the rains come again, I convinced mama to take a long walkie today, even though she was less than entirely enthusiastic when we started. This way mama!  THERE ARE CONES Oh yeah.  Tons of perfect packages of pine-cone-y goodness.  The better to fit larger amounts into my mouth! It was during this brief rest…


Mama-Son Day

In anticipation of Mother’s Day, mama and I decided to have a “Mother-Sun” Day – on Saturday.  The weather was going to be cooperative (first day without the threat of rain in awhile!), so she rented a car for the whole entire day (instead of a few hours like usual) and we set off to…


Outdoor Aire-t

You all know what an aficionado I am of outdoor art… I see it and I have to investigate.  This pink concrete chair is just outside the building we live in, I see it all the time, but it has only recently become Pepto Bismol pink.  I must check this out. Hm.  What do I…


In the Sticks

You never know what you’re going to find on the morning walkie… You just have to do like I do – snout to the ground, in fine terrier fashion. This stick seems worthy of me… I believe I will take it home (or at least on the majority of the walkie home).  Here’s how to…



Overcast days make me want to CUDDLE.  I don’t care if I get bed-head, you know, where your fuzz goes all crazy because you’ve been lying on your back with your legs up in the air.  I am in the mood for a good, long cuddle. Oh, but who will cuddle with me? When mama…
