Bring On Da Funk

Friends… Romans… Countrymen… I come to you for advice. My trusty green nylon harness is FUNKY!  I suppose that the years of wear along with my recent trips into the Willamette River have caused it to retain a very special funk that mama just cannot remove.  Now I know what you’re thinking – BRING ON…


Stormy Weather

Ok, I understand that the showers bring the flowers.  Yada yada yada.  But when it rains on the weekend – the two days that I get to spend my entire day with mama – well, it’s just disappointing all around.  No big walkies (but still 3 walkies, I have to insist) but lots of this:…


Bogart the Carpenter

Sunny Saturday – time for a walk in the park… literally! Forest Park is just truly lovely.  It’s still really wet and mossy, but the sun is shining and I’m ready to roll. As you already know, I am quite the connoisseur of sticks (and pine cones – but that’s another story).  And the downed…


The Urban Oasis

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but near my apartment there is a fantastic place that had been, well, lacking in the last few months.  Something so wonderful that I would walk here before or after almost all walkies.  An Urban Oasis if you will, a spot to stop and slurp the water, the “paws…


Unconditional Love

Everybody needs LOVE. Humans often talk about unconditional love, and how we dogs and cats are good at that.  I consider myself a top-tier provider of love for my mama, but well, I do have conditions. I like my food homemade, my grooming occasional (but enough so that I maintain my rugged outdoorsman look that’s…



So apparently I have too much fuzz.  With spring now sprung, it’s time for a little deforestation.  So mama got our her rakes and went to town. I do enjoy a good groom – mama lets me lay down and snooze while it’s going on – and she always remembers to provide copious amounts of…


Walk Like an Airedale-ian

Potential for sunny spring-like Saturday = full rucksack with food and water for another extended Airedale tour of Portland! For some, life is about stopping and smelling the roses.  I concur, but would add that stopping to chomp the cones is MUCH more appropriate. Let me demonstrate: Take a moment to consider things behind you,…


All About the Poop

Well, over the last two days I’ve had some poop problems.  Without being too descriptive or ruining anyone’s dinner, things were a lot more “explosive” than they should be.  Mama thinks it may be the one day that she fed me a can of food instead of my usual chicken soup.  All I can say…


The 24 Hour Church of Elvis

Behold… THE 24 HOUR CHURCH OF ELVIS It’s another one of those “only in Portland” kind of things.  It is an art installation, and well, it defies easy explanation.  Now mama and dad got married by Elvis in Las Vegas, so maybe if I ask really nicely, the spirit of Elvis will come forth and…
