And that’s not a slam. That’s what my dad always used to say, with love.
One of my bestest buddies in the entire world went over the Bridge today – one of the Mareike-Dales, Robin, the big handsome boy with the awesome tail and the dome-y head.
I have so much to thank you for my fuzzy friend – not just for teaching me how to be a dog, but how to be a DALE.
I remember the first day we met, at the Silverlake dog park, me with my dad who just couldn’t believe that there was another Airedale running towards us, much less 3 Airedales! I will never forget all of the times we spent together in your backyard, dad with beer in hand and treats in pocket. And I cannot thank you enough for covering my butt when, after my first birthday and eating way too much doggie cake, you rushed right in to cover up the fact that I puked it all out (ok, you all ate that but I knew you were just trying to cover up my rookie mistake).
The picture we all have in our heads is of Klaus waiting for Robin, beer in hand, and a vest full of treats.
So everyone can look up to the sky tonight – there will be a new Airedale-shaped star looking down on us all.
I know that my dad is waiting for you and will take good care of you now. I’m sure you’ll recognize his voice, and greet him in your traditional way – by ripping apart his clothing to try to find where he has the treats hidden. Don’t tell him I said so, but he always LOVED that even if he pretended otherwise.
Good night, sweet prince. You had an awesome-smelling butt, even though I was always more interested in Kermit’s. And the biggest Aire Kisses in the world to my bestest friend, Mareike.
We are sooooo, sooooo sad! Run free at the bridge and say Hi to Klaus for us, Robin! We know he’s waiting for Bogie and Lulu and now he will have you to keep him company!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
We are so sad … and cry.
RIP Robin
Much Love
Susi, Micha, Ina and Jule