Gooberstan in Portland

Well, almost!  Stella and Stanley‘s mama Lisa is here in Portland for a visit!  AND SHE BROUGHT GIFTS… She and mama hit it off like a house on fire.  I’ve been excited since the moment I laid eyes (and paws) on her. But back to more important things, MY NEW TOYS.  In addition to the…


November 2nd

Full Moon + All Souls Day + Dia de los Muertos + Mama’s Birthday = November 2nd. Mama didn’t want to celebrate this year.  She wasn’t feeling in the spirit.  And as much as she likes cake, she didn’t want to eat a whole cake by herself.  So she didn’t really tell anyone that today…


Making Mama Smile

I have spent this past week taking care of mama.  She’s been unhappy.  Today is 8 months since dad has been gone, and well, she’s just had a crappy week all around.  So today I assumed my position in back seat (my “CEO spot”) and insisted that we go out to have some fun. Can…
