Monday.  Some rain, some sun.  Some time in the Bogcedes.


Ah… sun.


But look… clouds.


Yes mama, I will help you with the errands.  I will be your co-pilot, your navigator.


Keep driving… yes, just a little farther… no wait, you’re supposed to head toward the pet store!!!


Damn.  Guarding the car.  AGAIN.  Not at the pet store.  AGAIN.


I certainly hope that there are some treats in that bag you’re carrying mama…




3 thoughts on “Rainy Days and Mondays”

  1. Bogie….isn’t it a shame when hoomans get lost on the way to the pet store. It almost always results in unacceptable compromises here. Like .. shoes instead of bully sticks.


  2. Hei, Bogie, my sweet friend! I had a big surgery yesterday, and at one moment I almost went over the Rainbow to play with my AireAngel Bro Andy, but then I REMEMBERED about you, and your adventures, and your hilarious stories, and I realized how much I would miss your adorable fuzzy face, and especially the promise of that something very special that your mama were carrying in her bag ………. anyway, I decided to come back. So, now tell me, WHAT WAS IN THE BAG?????????????? :mrgreen:

    Very food oriented, as always,

  3. Howdee, Bogie and Lulu! Boy, we’ve missed you guys. Mom took an online course and 9 weeks later… she’s coming up for air. Bee-uuu-tee-full photos, as always, of the resplendent Bogart!

    I myself am a holy terror inside any pet store.

    Love, Kirby & Cheryl

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