Easter Wisdom

Some Easter Wisdom from my pal, Mareike (she of the 3 Airedales in Los Angeles): I realized today that my religion is Airedalean.  I sing Hallelujah to the “King of (umm) Terriers, Lord of (well) everything”  Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!! I worship at the altar (not necessarily altered) of the fuzzy black and tan. My communion…


Bagel Boy

Slightly overcast and mama wasn’t feeling well – I think she’s getting a cold or something – but still I need my walkie, so how about a little something to cheer her up? Pumpernickel bagels – toasted with butter – seem to work. I’m here to help mama… Love, Bogart


Meeting Monty

Well looky here… another male Dale! This is Monty and he and I spied each other across 23rd and we just had to meet. He’s a very handsome guy with a lovely singing voice and we got along pretty well for a first meeting.  I felt a little protective of mama at one point, but…


No Vodka for Old Women

Portland is an odd place.  For a lot of reasons.  Yes I have seen the many “Keep Portland Weird” bumperstickers, and I do enjoy a bit of the weirdness myself.  But there is one thing that both Klaus and I could never understand.  And that is the OLCC vice grip on any alcohol other than…


Fortune Cookie Wisdom

It has now been one month since Klaus left us.  A month that some days feels like hours, and other days feels like years.  And in our darkest times, we also had to move from our big house to a small space.  I could never have imagined that our lives would change so drastically –…


Paging Doctor Bogart

Today mama had to go to the doctor’s office to have some blood taken for a test.  I decided she shouldn’t do this alone, she needed someone to come with her and hold her hand.  She doesn’t really like needles (nor do I), and since she has always held my paw whenever I’ve had to…
