Ah yes, it is a FANTASTIC day today!  My homeboy, Barack Obama, becomes PRESIDENT today.  We are both black-and-tan, so I do feel like we have a bond, you know?  That was a pretty sweet limo he was riding in this morning, and how cool was it when he and his wife Michelle got out and walked?  Awesome-ness.

So I was feeling inspired by all of this sentiment.  I decided that I too would like to walk.  With my secret-service guy in tow…

Nobody messes with my dad!!!

We spent a lovely hour or so traipsiing up and down the extinct volcano that is Mt. Tabor.   My trusty security detail keeping away the autograph hunters and groupies (although if there had been any female Airedale groupies they’d get whisked backstage if ya know what I mean – wink wink nudge nudge)!

Because we have had such windy conditions here recently, there are lots of trees that have been knocked down and branches everywhere.  To me this is a good thing – easy access to sticks – but many of the humans don’t see it that way.

In addition to sticks being torn asunder, there are absolute FIELDS of pine cones.  I really cannot believe my eyes at how many there are…

Ok, you guys can go, I’m gonna stay here.

Walkie = hungrie.  Since we were already close to Hawthorne, lets pop in for some fish and chips at the Hawthorne Fish House, shall we?

I did get some although there are no pictures to prove it.  It was cold and windy outside so mama was busy eating her Gardenburger with her fingers trying to keep warm.  At least they didn’t make me “guard the car” while they ate inside…

Sometimes you just have to show them who’s boss.  The humans have “talk to the hand”, I prefer the far more colorful “talk to my butt”

Hehehe – I got you to look at my butt!!!

Ah well, I’m still basking in the afterglow of this historic day, and hoping that all goes well for my boy Barack.

I haven’t received the call yet about that diplomatic post I’ve been hankering for by the way big guy – you know, Ambassador-to-somewhere-yummy or Secretary-of-something-delicious?  Whenever you need me man I’M HERE FOR YOU

Just waiting for that phone to ring.

Oh wait, you do have my email address, don’t you?  Just gimme a shout…



Chez Bogart


7 thoughts on “Hail to the Chief”

  1. hey Bogart…ummm I got an email from Obama…he said to tell you he has been trying to get to you all day….but the lines are busy with all you Americans congradulating each other so he cant get through on the phone….so could you just be patient…he says he has an awesome post for you…..

  2. What a butt shot!!! But we appreciate your desire to be an ambassador of something yummy. Us too.

    We were so excited yesterday and will continue barking for Barack as he tries to do good things for us all

    Wirey woofs!!

    Jake and Just Harry

  3. What a butt shot!!! But we appreciate your desire to be an ambassador of something yummy. Us too.

    We were so excited yesterday and will continue barking for Barack as he tries to do good things for us all

    Wirey woofs!!

    Jake and Just Harry

  4. Hehehehe, cute butt shot Bogart. Bet you had fun with those pine cones. We have tons of them on our land, but they are buried in about 2 feet of snow! Won’t see those until spring. We think the President needs a team of terrific terriers for something. Hmmmm, need to come up with something don’t we. Have a fun day.
    Luv & Wirey Hugs,
    Butchy, Snickers, Ruby, Sylvester & Scuby
    PS Be sure to play with your kitties!

  5. What a wonderful dog. Airedales are among the best dog breeds in the world, and this airedale might be among the most charismatic ones.

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