So this weekend – the CORRECT weekend – we visited the local Polish Festival here in North Portland.

Mom and I posed in front of the opening gates welcoming us into their pierogi-filled heaven…

The lovely Polish outfits kind of reminded me of the outfit mama wore to Oktoberfest.  There were LOTS of folks walking around in full gear, and you could buy some if you forgot yours.

Lots of handmade gifties, pretty things to buy…

It’s tough to see in this photo, but they had Polish dancers – mama and I watched them, and when everyone was clapping at the end I felt it necessary to clap too.  However, not having the ability to do this kind of thing easily, I decided to show my appreciation in the only way I know how – LOUD BARKING.  The people standing around thought this was very amusing, so I was encouraged to do it more.  I like these people…

We were going to head over to the food tents (mmm… food tents) but then the camera battery died.  So no footage of the sausage-and-pierogi goodness.  But I’m sure you can imaging how good that was…




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