Sunday Stickwork

Working on a stick hunt… gonna go down down… working on a stick hunt… whoops! gotta look around… Hehe…  I AM DANGER DOG Check out this advanced technique… not for beginners, but advanced stick students take note! This also may be more breed specific – you’ve gotta have a long schnoz in order to delicately…


Art-full Airedale

The Art Institute of Portland is celebrating their 10 year anniversary and they’re having a Block Party in the Pearl… did someone say party? Dad and I made ourselves comfy on some furniture they had out on the street…but dad really, there is no excuse for this: See how lovely I look in this middle…


Take the ASPCA Pledge!

Today I took it… the pledge to fight Animal Cruelty… YES, I support the ASPCA in its steadfast commitment to end animal cruelty. I will do all that is possible to help the animals in my community live happy, healthy lives. To that end, I pledge to: Learn to Recognize Animal Cruelty. Report Animal Cruelty.…


Hazelnut Sunday

Not only is there an overwhelming amount of blackberries in my park, but there are also hazelnuts – on trees!  We’re off in search of some nutty goodness, but first, nature calls… That’s Mt. Hood in the background, and bicyclists closer in.  The bicyclists make me crazy, it’s hard to use the full extent of…


Festa Italiana

VIVA PIZZA!  I mean, VIVA ITALIA! Today we went to the Festa Italiana festival in Pioneer Square… not too much going on, it was mostly about the food.  They had some dancers while we were there, but the tents where the food was being served were making me kind of goofy… So mama had to…


The Great Kafkinski

CAT ALERT – CAT ALERT – CAT ALERT If you can’t handle the felines, best to either turn away now or scroll to the bottom as the glorious orange fur will soon be flying. Ok, everybody gone that needed to leave?  It’s just us cat lovers now.  We now return to our regularly scheduled program.…


Out of Sorts

Not much has been going on this week – mama hasn’t been feeling well so the adventure richter scale has been hanging around, well, zero.  I don’t see her nearly enough these days, and here is to hoping that this will change asap. Same old, same old – the alarm goes off, I jump onto…


Michael Phelps Who?

Inspired by the absolutely amazing Michael Phelps and his 8 gold medals, today I decided was going to be the day that I actually SWIM.  You’ll remember that last time I went into the river I only waded up until my beard.  Today I’m gonna go ALL THE WAY… Ok, maybe not right away… Wait…



Despite the triple digit heat today, I was bored.  I know, this is becoming a regular feature here on my blog, but hey, I’m an Airedale and I need LOTS of mental and physical stimulation.  Mama and dad knew this before they got me, so there is no excuse. So we loaded into the Bogie-mobile…
