Today I met with the Director and Artistic Director of a theatre company here in Portland… they’re looking for a special dog to be in their play – to trod the boards, so to speak – and they found me!

Things went really well, I showed ’em what I can do – but mom and dad want to make sure that I won’t freak out if I’m onstage. I don’t want to give away too many details yet or jinx it, but this could be really super cool and I really wanna do it!!!

(And of course since it was just dad, there are no pictures. Mom ALWAYS takes pictures…)




One thought on “The Sun Will Come Out…”

  1. Woohoo, Bogie! You’ll be famous! Don’t get so famous that you forget all your “little” friends back here on DWB! I don’t think you will let that happen!

    Poppy & Penny

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