
Bye Dale-Os!!!! I’m gonna miss you guys more than anything in the world – you’ve taught me soooooo much about what it means to be an Airedale, put up with me when I messed up, and finally conferred the coveted Summa Cum Quietly diploma upon me when I calmed down and stopped barking for my…


Where’s My Stuff?

All of my stuff is gone… simply gone. The apartment is almost-empty and all that’s left are litter boxes and sleeping bags. It’s so weird! I wanted to post more of the box-filled madness, but alas, I haven’t been able to convince mom that this was paramount. Many days I couldn’t even find her for…


Stay… Out of the Apartment

Another white-hot day in Pasadena. It was hot enough today that I was doing my Mexican-jumping-bean dance at streetcorners whenever mama and I had to wait for a light to change – since I’m not wearing shoes, it’s gets kind of toasty on the pads. It’s still always fun to walk around tho, and get…



You dogs are GOOD…. We have a house! With a big, fenced backyard! In Portland! It’s a little further out from the city center than mama originally wanted, but it’s near an area with a lot of hiking trails, it’s got a fireplace and wood burning stove to keep us toasty, oh and did I…


Dad in Portland

Ohmydog, Dad is in Portland! Looking for a house for us, and a yard for me. I’m so excited!!! Can you doggies do me a favor? I really, really want Dad to find us the perfect house and he doesn’t have a lot of time (we’re moving at the end of this month – yikes!).…


Feelin’ Better

Feeling…. GOOD! It was just a weird one-day thing – maybe stress, maybe something weird that I ate, I dunno. I’m just happy to be running and hungry again (oh, and not puking – that’s the best part). Well it must have been all of the Aire Zen that I felt comin’ toward me… but…


Feeling Pukey

I don’t know what it is, but this morning I’ve been feeling all puke-y. Not to be gross here, but it’s basically just fluid, and I feel kind of tired. Must have been something I ate. But in much happier and less pukey news, I got this lovely award from my buddies Maggie & Mitch…



Could be missing in action, more likely MOVING in Action. Lots of boxes have appeared this week, and things seem to be progressing toward our impending move to Portland. Mom talks about it non-stop and how much I’m going to love it, and I’m actually pretty excited too. So far I think it’s all of…
