FINALLY… mom and I packed up the special pine cone for my buddy Kirby today… I had to help to make sure it was packed just right… and to give it one last lick for quality control. Kirby my friend, the cone is on it’s way – no dog should be without a giant pine…
AireZen Required
Jaffa – Miss Sunshade’s nephew and cutest little Aire-Man in Canada – ate some bad candies and needs our thoughts and prayers… Sending major Aire-Zen and positive kidney and liver thoughts to the Jaffa and Sunshade household!!! We need to get the whole doggie blogging world thinking about Jaffa so that he GETS WELL SOON!!!…
Stump on… Stumps
Cone for Kirby
Snow in LA?
I was dumbfounded. What is this wet white stuff that is all over the street in Pasadena today? It’s wet, kind of slippery, and well just weird. It was SNOW. And REINDEER. Yes, REAL LIVE REINDEER. Mom pushed away the screaming children so that I could get a good look – and sniff. Very interesting……
Ah… Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving was nice and easy this year. The humans didn’t have anyone over, we didn’t go anywhere, and there was no major cooking done. I had my regular Bogie-stew (I’m not really into turkey) but the kitties got a special bag of their favorite treats in turkey flavor to celebrate… That’s Behemoth, he’s my best…