Kirby’s Kone

FINALLY… mom and I packed up the special pine cone for my buddy Kirby today… I had to help to make sure it was packed just right… and to give it one last lick for quality control.  Kirby my friend, the cone is on it’s way – no dog should be without a giant pine…


AireZen Required

Jaffa – Miss Sunshade’s nephew and cutest little Aire-Man in Canada – ate some bad candies and needs our thoughts and prayers… Sending major Aire-Zen and positive kidney and liver thoughts to the Jaffa and Sunshade household!!! We need to get the whole doggie blogging world thinking about Jaffa so that he GETS WELL SOON!!!…


Stump on… Stumps

This is a stump. This is one of the men who climbed the tree in the back yard of Mareike’s house with a large knife. See my stump? My fuzzy stump, that is. I’m relaxing for a moment while all of the hub-bub is happening around me. Ah… a little more stump-age now. I’m waking…


Cone for Kirby

Hey Kirby, I know you said that you’ve never seen pine cones as big as the ones I have so I thought I’d pick one out for ya… I looked everywhere around my morning walkie place (that’s the BEST place to find the gigantic cones, and those are the most fun)… And then I found…


Snow in LA?

I was dumbfounded.  What is this wet white stuff that is all over the street in Pasadena today?  It’s wet, kind of slippery, and well just weird. It was SNOW.  And REINDEER.  Yes, REAL LIVE REINDEER. Mom pushed away the screaming children so that I could get a good look – and sniff.  Very interesting……


Ah… Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was nice and easy this year.  The humans didn’t have anyone over, we didn’t go anywhere, and there was no major cooking done.  I had my regular Bogie-stew (I’m not really into turkey) but the kitties got a special bag of their favorite treats in turkey flavor to celebrate… That’s Behemoth, he’s my best…


Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a LOT to be thankful for the year… I’m thankful for ALL of my doggie (and kitty!) friends everywhere… I’m thankful for my own kitties who teach me how things are done… I’m thankful for Dogs With Blogs for bringing us all together… Oh, and I’m thankful for Mom and Dad – just…



Today mom tried to get some good pictures of my new Hairecut… (see her evil arm in the shadow, withholding a big, juicy stick until I smile for the camera?) I feel much sleeker and I think I lost a pound of fuzz. Mom and dad take turns pulling out my hair with a rake…


Helping Dad

All this week I’ve been helping dad – over at Mareike’s.  He’s been doing some gardening, and I’ve been helping.  Of course I get to hang out with my 3 favorite Dales so it really doesn’t get any better for me than this. Basically this means that while I’ve been having a really good time,…
