Flea Circus

Ok, I’m really really really hating the fleas.

At least I’m pretty sure it’s fleas. Mom can’t seem to find many and I don’t seem to have any hot spots or other weird skin things… but I feel them. The little buggers are crawling all over me like the paparazzi do every time I step out the door.

Flea Circus Flea Circus

Mom did the good human thing and tried the smelly stuff that went on between my shoulder blades (specifically so I couldn’t reach it… bastards) and that worked a little. But now I’m getting itchy and scratchy again.

What do we need fleas for anyway? I understand that there are many creepy, crawly creatures out there that I may hate but that we need – bees, spiders, and the like – but fleas? What positive thing do they actually do? I can’t think of anything, so I may have mom drop the nuclear flea bomb on them sometime this week (that is, the evil flea fogger that kills ’em dead). It means we have to clear out the place, dogs cats and humans alike so it’s a pain (well, for them – I like getting out and about).

Flea Circus

I will keep you informed of my progress…




5 thoughts on “Flea Circus”

  1. Hi Bogart,

    those fleas can’t be any fun.. I haven’t met those in Norway, but we have problems with dog lick… I’ll have to take some medicine every spring to be able to avoid them..


  2. I’m with ya Bogart, I have no clue why we need fleas here on earth. They drive me nuts and my brother and sister even nuttier!

    P.S. Love the closeups of your beautiful nose!

  3. Emma and gang are also having this flea problem! I’ve treated them and sprayed the carpet and furniture, so we’ll see what happens from there! Was thinking about the bomb thing too. But hopefully these measures will kill ’em dead!! Die fleas! I too am puzzled as to the reasoning for their existence!

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