Summer in Springfield

Lots of walking for me today… first mom and I did a tour around the Silver Lake Reservoir (notice me ignoring the No Tresspassing signs), then a quick trip to the dog park (where we didn’t know anyone – how weird is that?) where I had a quick drink and then it was back into…


Stitches… OUT!

Today both dad and I got our stitches removed! Mom got to watch both (she loves the gory stuff, she’s so weird sometimes) and she told me that I had been a better patient than dad was… to be fair he had a LOT more stitches than I did, but I had some on the…


The Importance of Being Batteries

Ah, the battery issue… AGAIN. Yesterday as I was cowering in fear behaving bravely in the face of certain fireworks-related-danger there were plenty of opportunities for photographs.  Preserving my first Fourth of July on pixels.  Updating everyone on my continuing drama with the foxtails.  Showing what a scaredy cat proud pooch I was when the…



Did you know that today is Franz Kafka’s birthday? When I first heard that, I thought that mom was talking about our Kafka – my orange tabby buddy – I didn’t know that there was a writer with the same name. Today mom told me the story of how Kafka (our cat) got his name.…


Boom Boom

Well this weekend is the 4th of July. Big deal, I said, when mom told me about it. But then she reminded me that all the loud noises I’ve been hearing lately (and cowering from, ok ya got me) are due to this holiday. I’m still firmly of the opinion that this shouldn’t be allowed.…
