Yup, time to rid ourselves of some excess vegetable matter again! This time the vegetable of choice was CELERY. Mom and dad had a bag of it that wasn’t as crisp as they’d like it to be (sitting in the refrigerator for more than a week or so will do that to a veggie) so…
We Will… We Will… Sock You
Happy Memorial Day
It’s the Only Way to Live… in Cars
No dog park for me today… grumble grumble grumble… since yesterday’s little bandage incident I haven’t been allowed to really run free to much which is making me cranky. Mom and dad seemed to sense the crankiness and so we took a longish walk this morning behind our house. I heard lots of noise, music,…
Oops, I Did it Again…
More Accolades for MEEEEEE
5 More Days…
A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course…
This Sock Was Made for Walkin’…
Who’s the Boss?
Obviously from this photo it’s ME. Mom and dad had been going back and forth about the “Elizabethan collar”. Dad kept saying that I would definitely rip off my bandage overnight and should wear it, mom saying that I hadn’t really even noticed the bandage much so I would probably be ok… The vet had…