Happy Memorial Day

Today dad took me on my walk (no dog park again, grrrrrrr) and told me that it’s Memorial Day.  A day to honor soldiers who’ve fought in wars. Well, that’s a lot for a little Airedale to wrap his mind around.  So we went to a WW1 memorial statue and I got to hear a…


Oops, I Did it Again…

Well that bandage didn’t last long… I was at the dog park this morning – so happy to be there and run around with my Airedale buddies and other doggie friends – when it happened.  First the sock started to fly off and then, as if in slow motion, the entire bandage came off with…


5 More Days…

Well, it looks like I’ve got a few more days with the bandage… we went to the vet this morning and they whisked me into the back, took a look at my paw, then rebandaged me up and sent me back to the humans.  5 more days. Did I tell you how the first bandage…


Who’s the Boss?

Obviously from this photo it’s ME. Mom and dad had been going back and forth about the “Elizabethan collar”.  Dad kept saying that I would definitely rip off my bandage overnight and should wear it, mom saying that I hadn’t really even noticed the bandage much so I would probably be ok… The vet had…
