The Mini Me’s

Ok, are these the two cutest dogs in the entire world or what? At first I thought they were just tiny Airedales – pocket Airedales if you will – but they’re actually Welsh Terriers.  On the left is Shain and on the right is Bethan (I hope I spelled their names right!!!). They’re soooooooooo cute,…


Where’s Bogart?

Ah, another rainy day. And they say it never rains in southern California… Well they’re WRONG!!! Not that I mind… I used to really really really hate the rain, I thought it was ruining my fabulous fur coat and would avoid it pretty much always. That made it fun for mom and dad to have…


Just a Regular Day

Today was just a regular day… other than having to wait for an extra hour in the morning to get into the dog park (they are apparently doing some sort of “maintenance” in the mornings which bothers me to no end… I plan my pooping around my dog park time, you see…) and then realizing…


Peeing on Petco

Today I got to spend the day with mom – always fun – and of course this usually means that prize-winning photos of me will be taken. Except for today of course, but I’ll let mom tell the story – and the reason why there are no amazing new photos of me: “We decided to…


Bogart on MySpace

Well, the longer I’ve been hanging around the internet posting on my blog, searching for pictures of hot Airedales, etc., the more I kept hearing about My Space.  You know, it’s that big website where people put up pictures and profiles of themselves and look for friends. So I decided to join.  My MySpace profile…


The Lazy Human

Here’s what mom was doing today instead of writing a proper blog entry: That’s Behemoth the cat sleeping on her butt – guess he saw an opportunity to be close to something warm and he took it.  Actually I’ve seen him sleep like this on dad’s butt most evenings. And here’s what I was doing……


Back in the Saddle

Well I must admit that I’m still not feeling back to my jaunty gentleman self yet, but slowly I’m getting better.  I’m sleeping a lot and when I’m not sleeping I’m eating or pooping. This is a REALLY GOOD THING. Part of the problem with my pancreatitis is that I didn’t want to EAT or…


I’m B-a-c-k…

Well, that was certainly an experience I don’t want to repeat any time soon… Spending all weekend at the vet – getting my paw shaved and having an IV – but I do have to say that I actually feel a little better. Turns out that not only have I managed to get hookworm, but…


Vacation… sort of

Well, it looks like I’m going to be out of commission for a few days… I’m still having the funky poop and when mom and dad took me to the vet this morning they decided that it was best for me to spend the weekend at the vet so they could check me out thoroughly.…
